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All body socks are made by the loving hands of a Scoli mom. 

  • Why Brace Buddies
    Brace Buddies covers the brace from the inside to the outside. With Brace Buddies, the brace will have no contact with the skin. TRhe brace also no longer has contact with the clothes which saves the clothes from gettng caught on straps. We aim to offer comfort, protection & style to support and encourage brace compliance. Our hope is to offer brace wearers... More comfort while in the brace. More protection for skin and clothes while in the brace. More clothing options allowing wearers to keep their style. Improved confidence from feeling better and looking better while in the brace.
  • What is the Brace Buddies body sock?
    It is a tube shaped fabric intended to be worn with back braces that do not go over the top of either should nor down past the hip. The body sock prevents the skin from having any contact with the brace.
  • How does Brace Buddies offer comfort?
    Brace Buddies are made from high quality long combed cotton, bamboo & rayon fabrics which are soft and luxurious to the touch. These fabrics are gentle on the skin which help those with sensitive skin to be more comfortable in the brace.
  • Do the body socks have seams?
    Yes, the body socks do have a single seam. The seam is to be worn anywhere on the body except under the area of the padding. The best way to wear the body sock is with the seam down the front of the body. Feedback we've heard about the seam is that it is not felt between the brace and skin regardless of where the seam rests on the body.



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