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It has come to our attention that other discount and deal sites claim to offer special offers for our products. Please note, we DO NOT offer any other coupons or deals outside of this site. Do not click on links in fraudulent sites claiming to offer coupon codes and deals for our products.**
To see current deals, click here!

Everything in the world is increasing in price. These times are very strange and for most of us, we are feeling financially drained. For that reason, we have decided to place all of our products on sale. We know it's not much but we really hope this little bit helps!

Please see individual product for sale price. 

Storewide Sale

Feb 2024

We're sorry! Some of our fabrics are out of stock. We have already ordered more and are semi-patiently waiting for them to arrive from the manufacturer. The Out-Of-Stock fabrics are the White Micro Modal and the Ivory Bamboo Rayon. 
... On the upside, when we finally get our new shipment of these out-of-stock fabrics, we will also be launching a new colour! Sage Green Bamboo Rayon will be added to the website very soon. Actual colour tint will be shared once the order arrives. 


NOV 27, 2022

WOO HOO! We are happy to let you know we just received word today from our manufacturer that our out-of-stock fabrics, the White and Ivory are ready! These fabrics should now show as available and back in stock again! The Sage Green will be delayed by about 3 weeks, we will be adding that fabric once we receive it.

NOV 28, 2022

Thin Strap Double Layer Tank Top

Thin Strap Double Layer Tank Top 

April 7, 2022

Our new Thin Strap Double Layer Tank Top has the look and feel of a regular tank top except, it has 2 layers of fabric. One layer for under your brace and one layer for over your brace. This shirt ensures your body is protected from touching the brace and your clothes are protected from the brace straps.

On SALE for a limited time only!!

Double Layer Loose Fit Tank Top

Loose Fit Double Layer Tank Top

Jan 12, 2022

Our Loose Fit Double Layer Tank Top is designed with two layers. The underlayer fits tight to the body and is worn under the brace and the outer layer is made to fit loose.


Jan 12, 2022


Warm Taupe
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Double Layer Wide Shoulder Tank Top

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It's here, it's here!


APRIL 29, 2021

White and Black

Micro Modal Blend

88% Micro Modal / 12% Lycra

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Scolios-Us Brace Journals


Brace Journals by Scolios-Us

We are so excited to offer Scoliosis brace journals by Scolios-Us. They are a great resource for those who are new to  bracing or who have been bracing for a while. Not only can you keep track of your brace wearing time, you can also track how you're feeling each day, schedule events, and use as a regular daily planner. It's full of encouragement from others going through the brace journey, just like you!

March 2021

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March 6, 2021

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Cotton Threads


We want only the best for our customers! We love the look and feel of our quality fabrics which were carefully selected for bracers!

We love how soft and durable our Cotton blend fabric is. However, we are experiencing prolonged delays from our Cotton supplier and all of our colours are running low! We may discontinue this fabric once the last few colours are sold. 

We really love our Bamboo Rayon fabric. It's cool to the touch and has a very luxurious feel. It is a lovely quality fabric, without any issues and many rave reviews.  Even though the Bamboo Rayon fabric is excellent quality, we think the Micro Modal is undeniably better quality in every way!! For that reason, we have ordered our next batch of fabric to be manufactured in the Micro Modal blend. So, coming sometime in April 2021, we will be offering the the Micro Modal in Black and White. We are so excited to offer more colours in this amazing fabric. 

Feb 24, 2021

Woman Cutting Fabric
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We will be making changes to the purchasing process which will impact the product prices. 

Feb 2021

Our most popular fabrics are running low!


We are almost sold out of White Bamboo Rayon and White Cotton! We are also running low on our other Cotton colours too. The suppliers are experiencing delays so they cannot give us a date when to expect the next shipment. We're sorry, we're already sold out of the Black in the Bamboo Rayon and Cotton. If you want a white shirt, order now before we're all sold out!

Feb 2021

Coming soon due to popular request... T-SHIRTS & Tank Tops!!

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Our gender-neutral T-shirts & Tank Tops are custom made to fit your body just right! They are form fitting and extra long to wrap the bottom of your brace! We have taken great care in the details of our manufacturing to make sure the side seams are flat and thin and do not feel bulky and that there is not a lot of fabric bunched in the armpits! Also, the edges around the sleeves and neck have a flat finish so they are not bulky. To make life a little easier, this shirt is also manufactured to be reversible from front to back and it can be worn right side out or right side in. With all shirts being custom made, you can request a larger neck or smaller neck to suit your need and style. 


If you want more details or to pre-order T-shirts and Tank Tops today before the official launch, message us and we will get back to you with more details.  

Feb 2021

Refunds & Exchanges - You didn't ask, but we're thinking of you!

We're confident you'll like our product but just in case you want that assurance before you buy... we  offer refunds or exchanges. For the product to be eligible for refund or exchange, the product must be unwashed, and unworn and received back to our location within 30 days from the date the product was sent to you. Shipping cost is not included in the refund.

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All rights reserved. Patent Pending.

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