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Do you feel alone?
Are you feeling uneasy about what comes next?
Do you want some support? Do you want to understand what to expect?
Take a look at the links below.
A minimum of 3% of the population have Scoliosis and there are so many others who have other spinal concerns. Each year, about 8% of those (in North America) that are diagnosed with Scoliosis are "braced". That means, each year, there are about 40,000 Scoliosis fighters who might be feeling just as alone as you as they try to find their new normal.
Parents and family, please understand, although you are not being diagnosed or braced, it can be very difficult watching your loved one go througfh various daily challenges. Please know, you also are not alone! 


Higgy Bears Logo.JPG

A sure way to feel less alone on your journey! 

"Why did I have to feel so alone, for so long, when there were so many people out there that were just like me? Why did I have to feel like I was the only one? How can I keep other kids from feeling this way? And from this, Higgy Bears was born. He would be a friend where one didn’t exist. Even if a child didn’t know anyone else with scoliosis, they could still have a friend going through the same thing they were- just in bear form… a Higgy Bear! Have to wear a scoliosis brace? So does your bear! Surgery? No problem! Higgy Bear has rods, too! Now, no one has to feel alone, and cry themselves to sleep every night like I did." 

Read more of Higgy Bears Founder, Lauren's story by clicking here.



Setting Scoliosis Straight is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to empowering families impacted by scoliosis through education, connection, and research. Our mission is to support discoveries and advance techniques in the treatment of spinal deformities in children and adolescents worldwide. See more by clicking here.



Scolios-us is a web-based platform intended to empower scoliosis patients with the tools and resources they need to be successful brace-wearers. For more info, click here.

Not everyone has access to medical care like we do in North America.

Look who's helping others that have spinal issues like Scoliosis but do not have access to medical care.


Stand Tall International

Higgy Bears

Straight Forward Foundation

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